Wole and Fola: Ile Ife. Nigeria


I was invited by Wole and Fola to the city of Ile Ife in Nigeria to capture their traditional wedding. It was my first time in Ile Ife and I really enjoyed my stay. It was fun to eat spinach and jollof rice, trust me….weird but good combination. The road trip to Ile ife was also fun, It was a good way to see other parts of Nigeria.

As you know, shooting in Nigeria comes with its challenges, however I was able to achieve my aim. Weddings in Nigeria means you have to constantly fight for space and also prepare for time. I was prepared but the wedding went according to plan. Wole and Fola had a wonderful ceremony, it was a joy to document their wedding story.

Please cheack out some of the photos.

Music : [Obimo. Kayswitch/ DBanj/]

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