Sola and Tosin : Porchester Hall


Hello and Happy New Year….wow, it is February already, where is 2016 going?

Here is the traditional wedding of Tosin and Sole shot in London (Hyde park and Porchester Hall), it was a very good one for me, I flew in from Cape Town on the day, as you will see from the photos, the jetlag did not hit me as I thought it will do. I really have to give it to Sola and Tosin, they really brought the energy and I really enjoyed shooting this traditional wedding. The wedding was coordinated by Memories4u and as always I was supported by the amazing Earl of Fergiesfoto, as I have mentioned in the past, he brings a complimentary angle to my documentary.

Sola and Tosin will be having another leg of their wedding in beautiful San Francisco USA, I wish them the best of the best of the best.

Music – Somi – Ginger me/ Poe and Funmbi – feeling you

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