Olu and Maria : The wedding : Reading



Olu and Maria are good friends of mine. I shot their pre-wed and traditional wedding earlier in the year (click on weddings)…..so it was an amazing pleasure shooting their wedding. The day started so well, I arrived at Olu’s house bright and early. After we had some left over pizza, I started shooting (If you follow me on instagram, you will see how the day went… if you arent following me, follow!!!!). It is always good to shoot on a full belly. and since I shot solo, I had to rush to the brides house to capture the prep…and then off to the church before the reception. It was a delightful wedding. Olu is Nigerian and Maria is from Sierra Leone, so it was really nice to see the wonderful mix of culture…


BTW, shout out to FUMSOL, he designed Olu’s jacket. I was blown away. (dear clients, I have FUMSOL’s details….just send me an e-mail)



I decided to go with full size images with this one and not include music. Enjoy some photos from the event

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