Huffington Post feature



I got featured in the outstanding Huffington Post @huffingtonpost .

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I am happy and glad for this recognition and this shows me the best is yet to come.

When you truly put your heart and passion into what you do, there are no little victories…just amazing ones.

I believe in my truth and myself. I shoot for me and my art. I just want to encourage anyone out there wanting to be who they truly are but stuck in the hype. Break out and be yourself. They might not like what you do but keep going. Become your own truth.

As Tai Solarin said if a man is good at what he does…the world will build a road to his door (well that is my interpretation)

The world is knocking……

#eniolaalakija#eniolaalakijaphotography#iwokeuptothisblessing #thankyouGod#100percentJesus #huffpost#huffingtonpost #wedding #kids#kidsatweddings #art #suitandtie #cutekids


Here are some other photos of kids at weddings

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