Femi and Catherine : Little Hampton


I met Femi during a shoot in London for African Bridal (a wedding outfit based in London, they offer exhibitions, wedding planning, on the day reception management, online directory etc) about two years ago, he mentioned he would be getting married and he will be in touch. Fast forward to the beginning of this year, He asked if I could shoot his wedding and indeed I agreed. Femi was a delight to work with during the African Bridal shoot, he was one of the models, so I knew his wedding was going to be a very nice one. I met his wife to-be Catherine a few months later, she has the warmest of hearts, she knows exactly what she wants. We decided on a pre wedding shoot today in the beautiful town of little hampton (The way I shoot is such that I try as much as I can to get everything right on camera, so I do not have to depend on editing or photoshop, this means, I can shoot in the morning and post in the afternoon. I worked with the available light and also the surrounding). The chemistry between Femi and Catherine is second to none. It is clear that they are friends as well as lovers. They make loving seem so easy…so right. I wish them the best with everything and I am seriously looking forward to the wedding. Thanks to Micheal Nosike, the CEO of special functions for his help today.

Enjoy some of the photos from the pre wed shoot.

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