Chris and Debbie


Hello, I really do want to say a huge thanks to you for constantly visiting my blog. I appreciate every click, and I truly hope my blog updates make you smile as much as they make me smile.

A few weeks ago, I opened up a photo-shoot session to any willing couple via Instagram, a few people emailed to be included in the shoot (Can I just say I was blown away by the response…thanks), however I chose Debbie and Chris. I met them on the day of the shoot and we instantly connected. We talked and I got to know a bit more about them, they will be getting married in the new year. Congratulations to them.

I have selected a few photos from the session.

I have decided to have more of these impromptu sessions….so watch out on Instagram ( If you are not following me….oh well, click on Instagram above)

Music : Angel – Anita Baker performed by John Legend and Stacy Barthe


So I get asked  how I make my music selection. It is a very hard process. I have to match lyrics to the story of the couple. Tough!!!

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