Category Archives: projects

Rimike: monochrome portraits

Taking a break from weddings (well…not really but this is a different post) to celebrate this beautiful soul Rimike Omolekulo. I met Rimi (as I call her) a few years ago at the national portrait gallery, we exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch, which we have done through the years. Rimi inspires me in…

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Catherine and Femi

I really enjoyed shooting Femi and the very beautiful Catherine in Little-hampton. I revisited the images (because I love them so much) and here you go. {Music : Luther Vandros. If Only For One Night}   Music: {Luther Vandros. Only for one night} I was listening to this song while editing.

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a few hours @ southbank: london [photo-walk]

Here is something different from the usual post on this blog. I have taken a second break from wedding post to show you some photos from the recent photo walk in London. I asked followers on Instagram if they will accompany me on a photo walk in July. While I had a very healthy response,…

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African Bridal

I was commissioned by African Bridal to help shoot their campaign photos. African Bridal are passionate about providing exposure  for African wedding service providers in order to broaden their business horizons. Their vision is to ensure culture is retained especially during the wedding scene. Read more about them by clicking on their website It is always so good to…

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Vegas Photo-Walk : Las Vegas

So I went photo-walking in Las Vegas. Really enjoyed my four days there……..enjoy just a few photos from the trip.

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