a few hours @ southbank: london [photo-walk]

Here is something different from the usual post on this blog. I have taken a second break from wedding post to show you some photos from the recent photo walk in London. I asked followers on Instagram if they will accompany me on a photo walk in July. While I had a very healthy response, only a few showed up. It was a fun photo walk indeed, we walked the length of the queens walk, well, from the national theatre to the London eye . Thanks to Glenn, Bola Sami and Sophie. They joined me on this photo-walk, it was really interesting to share ideas and encourage each other.

I have shared a few images from the walk. I shot in b/w through the blue on camera filter.  I have also included some of Bola’s images, she sent them to me and you will agree they are very interesting.




Some images from BOLA



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