Taira and David : Greenwich

TD WEDDING 21 Mar 2015 19-053

I met David a while ago, at a trade show, he explained he was getting married but already had a photographer in mind, however he asked for my contact details before he left. I was pleasantly surprised when he sent an email saying he really wants me to document his wedding…how could I have said NO?

I met Taira on the day of the pre wed, and she is just as cool as David. It was easy to see why they are compatible. They are very easy people however you will see from the photos, they also love to dance and have fun with their family.

Enjoy guys and all the best with everything.

As always, special thanks to my good friend Archyra for all his help with this wedding, and to Yemi of smartstudios

Music : Hobbie Stuart / Diamond originally performed by Rihanna.

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